
Archive for November 10th, 2004

The government has reduced the number of STF personnel in its camps in Arugambay and Panama on the Pottuvil – Yala coastal road according to reports from the area.

The reduction in STF forces is attributed to security demands in the Omanthai sector which is now being looked after partly by the STF.

Special Task Froce personnel have also been recalled for duty in Colombo following the Galadari blast.

Plans to reduce STF force levels in Oorani, Komari and Rottai were recently dicussed by the top brass of the Force.

It is said that local officers in charge of these camps which lie on the vital link road along the coast between Akkaraipattu and Pottuvil in the Ampara district had expressed the opinion that it would be difficult to maintain their positions with fewer troops.

A suggestion has been that all these camps should be merged into one strong camp to supervise the southeastern part of the Ampara district where the large Kanjikudichcha Aaru jungle lie.

The Liberation Tigers have a base complex in this extensive jungle.

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The Liberation Tigers attacked a Sri Lankan army patrol near Vathiri junction in Jaffna around 10 a.m this morning killing four soldiers.

The LTTE had set off a claymore mine in the ambush. The attack was in the vicinity of Thevarazhiyan Hindu College.

In another incident, The Liberation Tigers attacked a Sri Lankan army patrol with grenades in the Nediyakaadu area in Valvettithurai this morning around 8.15 a.m. Heavy gunfire was reported in the area following the grenade attack.

Casualties on either side was not known.

A bystander identified as Navaratnam Soundari was injured in the crossfire. She was admitted to the Manthikai hospital.

The Liberation Tigers ambushed another SLA patrol in Alvai east in a place called Mayakkai yesterday. The Ministry of Defence acknowledged this afternoon that one soldier was killed in the LTTE attack.

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The SLAF confirmed that a missile fired by the Liberation Tigers brought down the Mi 24 helicopter gunship over the Kokkilai lagoon.

Of the four Sri Lankan security forces personnel in the Mi 24 one is believed to be dead.

The Kokkilai lagoon separates the Trincomalee district from the Mullaithivu district. The Ilmenite rich Pulmoddai lies on its southern edge and on the northern edge is the village of Kokkuththoduvai which is under the SLA. The lagoon opens into the sea at Nayaaru.

The lagoon’s hinterland was made part of the Weli Oya military zone where a large number of Sinhalese were settled after forcibly evacuating thousands of Tamils in 1984.

Sources close to the army in Colombo expressed surprise that the LTTE has been able to enter the lagoon and fire a missile at the helicopter.

The LTTE is yet to confirm this attack.

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he SLMC yesterday told the visiting Norwegian peace envoy Erik Solheim it would be difficult to reach a consensus or breakthrough in the peace process so long as the JVP and other chauvinistic parties dominated.

During a one-hour meeting with Mr. Solheim SLMC leader Rauff Hakeem complained that his party was being sidelined by the Kumaratunga administration though it was the main Muslim party.

SLMC Secretary General Hasan Ali quoted Mr. Solheim as saying Norway had sent a high-powered team here in an all out bid to get the government and the LTTE back to the negotiating table.

Mr. Hakeem also angrily complained to the facilitators that the President had used strong means to get three SLMC MPs to her ranks so that the ruling UPFA could command a majority in Parliament.

The SLMC reiterated its demand for a separate Muslim delegation at the peace talks, Mr. Ali said.He said Mr. Solheim raised questions whether there was consensus among all Muslim parties in parliament on the separate Muslim delegation issue. Hakeem said all Muslim parties were united on this issue, though they had differences on other matters.

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Petersen to carry President’s message to Prabhakaran

Norwegian Foreign Minister Jan Petersen who is due in Sri Lanka today in the latest phase of Oslo’speace mission, will carry a message from President Chandrika Kumaratunga to the LTTE leadership, officials said yesterday.

“I would be surprised if there is anything in writing,” Norway’s special envoy Erik Solheim said adding that he was not sure whether the new message would be vastly different from the previous ones.

Mr. Solheim who arrived ahead of the Norwegian high-powered delegation had a breakfast meeting with LTTE chief negotiator Anton Balasingham at the Airport Garden Hotel yesterday.

Mr. Balasingham proceeded to Kilinochchi for discussions with LTTE leader Velupillai Prabhakaran ahead of his meeting with Mr. Peteresen who will arrive along with his deputy Vidar Helgessen today.

Last week, Japan’s Special Envoy Yasushi Akashi during a news conference in Colombo said he had informed the LTTE Political Wing Leader S.P. Thamilselvan that President Chandrika Kumaratunga was willing to discuss the Interim Self-Governing Authority (ISGA) proposal, to which the Tiger political leader had said it had to come through the Norwegian facilitators. Diplomatic sources said there was a misunderstanding over Mr. Akashi carrying a message from the President when it should have been sent through the proper channels.

Mr. Solheim said Norway was keen to push the peace process forward even though “it is difficult to say whether we could thaw the ice.” While admitting that it was not possible this time, Mr Solheim said “It is up to the LTTE and the government to decide.”

He said even if the President wanted to begin talks with the LTTE, it would not be possible if the JVP which is a formidable component of the government objected. Ahead of his visit, Mr. Petersen also admitted that he hadn’t high expectations based on signals received from the parties over recent weeks but added “in difficult times it is even more important to keep engaging with the parties.”

Mr Solheim met with Peace Secretariat Chief Jayantha Dhanapala and TNA delegation led by Joseph Pararajasingham. He also met SLMC leaders including Rauff Hakeem yesterday. The Norwegian delegation will meet President Kumaratunga before proceeding to Kilinochchi. They are also expected to meet Opposition Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe.

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Islamic revivalism or fundamentalism is one of the most striking features of modern Sri Lanka. Though more visible to the naked eye now than ever before, Islamic “revivalism” goes back to the late nineteenth century. And its character has been changing from time to time.

Reformists hope that with changes in the national and international contexts, it will undergo further mutations. After all, revivalism, like other socio-cultural movements, is rooted in specific historical contexts.

The earliest phase of Islamic revivalism in Sri Lanka spans the late nineteenth and the twentieth centuries up to the mid-1980s. This phase could be termed “progressive”. From 1985 onwards, a “fundamentalist” phase sets in. And though fundamentalism seems entrenched now, movements which question some of its tenets have sprung up.

Sufi controversy

Interestingly and significantly, opposition to entrenched ideas of fundamentalism has arisen not in places where Muslims are in a minority, where they are exposed to alien influences, but where they are in a majority, and in a place known for its orthodoxy.

The nerve centre of the latest deviant movement has been Katthankudy in Eastern Sri Lanka. Kattankudy is a completely Muslim town in Batticaloa district which boasts of having the largest number of mosques per square kilometer in the world. Women are shrouded from head to foot and even tiny tots cover their head with a hijab.

Though a stronghold of the Jamiat-ul-Ulema, Jamaat-e-Islami, Tablighi Jamaat and also Wahabism, of late, Katthankudi became home to Sufism in the 1970s. The charismatic AJ Abdur Rauf Mowlavi started saying that God had a form, that he resided everywhere and in everything, that Prophet Mohammad was but an incarnation of God who came to the world to set the wrongs right.

According to ULM Harees Fadahi, General Secretary of the Kattankudy Jamiat-ul-Ulema, Abdur Rauf Mowlavi is advocating the use of the Kutthuvilakku (the traditional brass oil lamp) with seven wicks, though lighting such a lamp is part of Hindu and not Islamic ritual.

Fadahi said that Rauf Mowlavi had imbibed “Hindu” and other un-Islamic ideas from the writings of Tamil Nadu poets like Abdur Rahman and Kannadasan (the latter’s Arthamulla Indumadham or “Meaningful Hinduism” coming in for special mention). The fundamentalists argued that what he was preaching was not Sufism, which was acceptable in Islam ( but applicable only to spiritually evolved persons ), but Hinduism.

In 1979, Rauf Mowlavi was accused of “misleading” Muslim youth who flocked to listen to his powerful oratory and joined his madrasas. The All Ceylon Jamiat-ul-Ulema issued a fatwa declaring that he had left Islam and that the Muslims should sever religious ties with him and his followers.

But this did not deter Rauf Mowlavi, who continued to spread what he considered to be Sufism. Being an Islamic scholar himself, he justified his ideas on the basis of the Quran and Hadees. And being a brilliant orator, he was able to influence a growing number of youth.

This led to periodic clashes between the orthodox elements and the Sufis, with the Sufis accusing the Jamiat-ul-Ulema of being Wahabi, an ultra-orthodox Saudi Arabian sect. They pointed out that Wahabism was only ten years old in Katthankudy and therefore had no right to impose itself.

After a lull, the conflict came to a head late in October and in the first week of November this year, when Jamiat-ul-Ulema activisits attacked a mosque run by Rauf Mowlavi’s organisation and flattened two of his madrasas in Katthankudi. Curfew was imposed on the town and for five days life was at a standstill.

Alarmed about such clashes taking place in the month of Ramzan, a former Sri Lankan Minister, MLAM Hisbullah, got the two groups to meet in Colombo last weekend, and an agreement was thrashed out. Harees Fadahi told Hindustan Times that the All Ceylon and Katthankudy Jamiat-ul-Ulema had declared that Rauf Mowlavi and his followers would be deemed to be Muslims and that the Murdat fatwa, issued in 1979 against him, was withdrawn.

But “for the sake of peace and amity” he refused to give any details of the agreement. It is, therefore, not known if Rauf Mowlavi has retracted from his theological line or he will be able to propagate his Sufi ideas. Perhaps the differences have just been papered over for the time being to end an acute public embarrassment.

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Home, mosque and hospital unsafe

The writer Senior Assistant Editor, Herald in Pakistan presented this paper at the South Asian Free Media Association regional workshop on intrastate conflict held in Colombo over the weekend.

Pakistan’s founder Mohammed Ali Jinnah, during one of his famous speeches to the Constituent Assembly had declared on August 11, 1947: “You may belong to any religion or caste or creed… that has nothing to do with the business of the state. You are free, free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any other places of worship in this state of Pakistan”.

However, 57 years later, one wonders what has gone wrong with Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah’s Pakistan where the rival sect members are carrying out suicide attacks in crowded mosques beside using automatic weapons and hand grenades that kill both their targets and bystanders. Historically speaking, it was the death of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) that led to a dispute over the question of his successor, eventually dividing the Islamic community in two sects – Shia and Sunni, which gradually multiplied into numerous sub-sects with fragmented doctrine.

As things appear, the genie of sectarian violence in Pakistan refuses to be bottled and threatens the very fabric of the society. Even as General Pervez Musharraf exhorts the people of Pakistan to adapt enlightened moderation, the country’s tentative quest for a non-discriminatory liberal democracy continues to unravel.

Pakistan continues to be caught in the trap of extremist Islamist militancy and terror that its military establishment constructed as part of its Afghan and Kashmir policies.

The overt and covert support of Pakistan’s military establishment to the militants fighting in Jammu and Kashmir had in some way promoted sectarian violence in Pakistan. The growing nexus between the Pakistan-based sectarian outfits and the militant organisations active in Jammu and Kashmir and Afghanistan has lately aggravated sectarian violence in the country. Originally a product of Pakistan’s military establishment to beef up its security vis-a-vis India, these militant groups now visibly threaten the country’s internal security.

While Pakistani military establishment’s support for these outfits has kept the Indian army tied down in Jammu and Kashmir, it has created a serious principal agent problem for Pakistan on the domestic front. The linkages between militants active in Jammu and Kashmir or Afghanistan and those within Pakistan are not surprising since these jihadis share the same madrassas, training camps and operatives. By facilitating the actions of irregulars in the Kashmir valley, Pakistan actually promoted sectarian jihad and terrorism back home.

While attacking the religious extremists in his speeches, General Musharraf often claims that only one per cent of these extremists are holding hostage the other 99 per cent moderates. But the General’s rhetoric apart, even a common man knows quite well that most of the leading jihadi outfits that had been patronized in the past have a direct or indirect hand in promoting sectarian violence in Jinnah’s Pakistan.

Facing international criticism over its status as a host to several Islamic extremist elements, the Musharraf administration has, from time to time, sought to take steps to deflect criticism of the activities of the fundamentalist elements within Pakistan. However, some inner contradictions within the ruling establishment are bound to hamper these efforts.

For decades, Pakistan’s Shia and Sunni communities lived side by side without developing any major problems. The conflicts between Shias and Sunnis began to escalate about two decades ago in the wake of two epic movements taking place in neighbouring Iran and Afghanistan. The first was the famous Islamic revolution of 1979 in overwhelmingly Shia Iran, which inspired many of the Pakistani Shias to demand more rights for their minority. The second was the decade-long war the Sunni Afghan Mujahideen waged against the Soviet occupation forces in Afghanistan.

In other words, the Iranian revolution and the Afghan resistance movement stimulated the Shia and the Sunni sectarian movements in Pakistan. While the Shias claim they are 20 per cent of the total Pakistani population, the Sunnis insist that the Shias only constitute 7-8 per cent of the country’s 150 million Populace. Over 2,000 Shias and Sunnis have been killed and around 4,000 injured in more than 2200 sectarian incidents in Pakistan during January 1988 to October 2004.

With dollars coming from the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) during the days of Pakistan’s third military ruler, General Ziaul Haq, Islamabad’s assistance promoted the proliferation of a huge number of militant groups and religious seminaries inside the country. At that time, the United States needed Islamists to wage holy war against the Soviet troops in Afghanistan, while Islamabad needed them to bring in billions of US dollars. Therefore, the Reagan administration and the Zia junta, both turned a blind eye to their radical ideology and methods. The shortsightedness of the American administration became apparent soon after the withdrawal of the Soviet troops from Afghanistan.

As the Pakistani establishment was busy creating the ghost of radical Islamists in Afghanistan in the shape of Taliban, their jihadi brethren had already resorted to sectarian killings inside Pakistan. Each act of sectarian killing used to provoke a cycle of revenge killings, with the government of the day failing to curb the menace. The very failure subsequently provided the fanatics and extremists to flourish and grow in strength, with most of the Shia and Sunni sectarian groups being sponsored by Iran and Saudi Arabia respectively.

As a natural consequence, after seizing power in October 1999, Pakistan’s fourth military ruler, General Pervez Musharaff, had to face a formidable foe: well armed, well-trained, well-financed and well-entrenched sectarian organisations with a huge resource pool of recruits in thousands of religious madrassas across Pakistan. And dealing with such a mighty and organised foe was never going to be easy for an un-elected leader.

But his task was made somewhat easier by the 9/11 terror attacks in the United States and the worldwide backlash against extremist Islam that it unleashed. The Musharraf regime’s U-turn on the Kashmir issue and his decision to limit support for the Kashmiri militants, also boosted its drive against sectarian groups. Before that, many sectarian groups had emerged and were being tolerated because of their links with groups waging a ‘holy war’ in Jammu and Kashmir.

Once the Musharraf administration decided to put the Kashmir issue on the back burner for the sake of better ties with India, it no longer had to put up with the jihadi groups operating in Jammu and Kashmir. The first clear sign of a shift in Islamabad’s stated policy on Kashmir came through Musharraf’s 12th January 2002 televised speech. While announcing a massive campaign to eradicate the sectarian menace, he banned three leading sectarian groups, Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP), Tehreek-e-fafria Pakistan (TJP) and the Tehrik-e-Nifaz-e-Shariat Mohammadi (TNSM). Six months later [on August 14, 2002], the General decided to ban two more sectarian outfits – Sipah-e-Mohammad Pakistan (SMP) and Lashkar-e-fhangvi (LeJ) – declaring them terrorist outfits.

However, the organizational infrastructures of the banned sectarian groups continue to function under new names and the same office bearers. Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and Sipah-e-Mohammad remain underground. Other banned groups are still operating mostly out of their old office premises. Some of them have shifted to new premises. They are still bringing out the same periodical publications, mostly under the old names. They are discreetly raising funds and holding ijtimas (consensus) without any fear.

Though the Sunni-Shia conflict is centuries old, its more modern and virulent manifestation in Pakistan can be traced to Imam Khomeini’s successful Iranian revolution and the setting up of a Shia state there. Tehrik-e-Nifaz-e-Fiqah-e-faferia (Movement for Enforcement of the Shariat Laws) or TNFJ was the first sectarian organisation founded in Pakistan soon after the Iranian revolution of 1979. The organisation emerged to demand religious rights for the Shia minority in Pakistan, including a separate syllabus of Islamic learning and national public holidays on Shia mourning days.

In response, extremist Sunni groups began to espouse the cause of transforming Pakistan into a Sunni state where Shias were to be made a non-Muslim minority. The military regime of Zia fostered the growth of sectarianism in a number of ways. He created a perception among the Shia community that his government was moving rapidly towards establishing a Sunni state in which the Islamisation of the Shariat laws was seen to reflect the Islam of the dominant sect.

However, the 1980 siege of the government secretariat in Islamabad by tens of thousands of Shias protesting against the proposed Islamisation of the Shariat laws forced General Zia to succumb to most of the Shia community’s demands. But at the same time, his government continued the selective backing of the Sunnis-led Afghan mujahideen groups resisting the Soviet troops in Afghanistan, which corresponded to a sectarian pattern of preferences in the country that reinforced perceptions on both sides of the divide.

The emergence of the Sunni sectarian outfit – the Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP) in the 1980s was apparently a reaction to the TNFJ, although its rapid rise is also attributed to the money it received from Saudi Arabia, Iraq and a few other Sunni-dominated Arab states, which perceived the Iranian revolution as a threat. But after the Gulf War of 1991, neither a defeated Iraq was in a position to support anti-Shia outfits, nor was US-friendly Saudi Arabia interested in funding countries that had sided with Saddam Hussein.

At this stage, the Pakistani establishment tried to persuade the Sipah-e-Sahaba leadership to give up its militancy. The mainstream organisation agreed, yet a rebellious splinter group emerged in the form of the Lashkar-e-fhangvi (LeJ), with the sole objective of killing Shias, while describing them infidels. The emergence of LeJ gave birth to a splinter group among Shias – the Sipah-e-Mohammad. While the LeJ gradually flourished in the Taliban-run military training camps in Afghanistan, the Sipah-e-Mohammad Pakistan (SMP) militants were trained in Iran. By the end of the Zia rule, the consequences of his policies were fairly obvious. Over the last decade, there has been a major escalation in sectarian tension, the number of sectarian killings and armed sectarian groups. Among those outfits that have gained particular prominence are the Sipah-e-Mohammad Pakistan (SMP), an off-shoot of Tehrik-Nifaz-e-Fiqh-e-fafaria, the main politico-religious Shia party in Pakistan, later renamed Tehrik-e-fafaria Pakistan (TFP) and the other being Anjuman Sipah-e-Sahaba, later renamed Sipah-e-Sahaba-Pakistan (SSP), an off-shoot of the famiat Ulema-e-Islam (JVI), a leading politico-religious Sunni Oeobandi party. A further offshoot of the SSP, considered to, be the most violent sectarian outfit, is the even more militant Lashkar-e-fhangvi(LeJ).

The present state of organised sectarian conflict can be traced back to the murder of TNFJ leader Arif Hussaini in 1988. Others date it to 1987, when Ahl-e-Hadith leaders, Allama Ehsan Elahi Zaheer and Maulana Habib ur Rehman Yazdani were killed, along with six others, at a meeting near the Minar-e-Pakistan. Prior to this, there were serious anti-Shia riots in Lahore in 1986. In any case, the spiral of violence registered a sharp rise in February 1990 with the murder of Maulana Haq Nawaz Jhangvi, founder of the SSP. This was followed by violent clashes resulting in dozens of casualties and burning down of numerous houses and shops in Jhang.

The pattern and scale of violence indicates some key features. The contending groups are well organised and well armed. Their ability to maintain their effectiveness and to elude the law enforcement agencies also has to do with an extensive support network that includes madrassas, political parties, bases across the border and financial support from foreign countries if not foreign governments. It is generally believed that something of a proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia is going on in Pakistan, with different groups in Afghanistan weighing in as well.

In the process, the state authority stands eroded by the sectarian groups in one way or the other. The hate literature and cassettes from the two sides – easily available across the country – clearly violate the law of the land but seldom invite sanction. Offences such as murder and destruction of property do get a state response but it lacks the will to take the difficult steps necessary to deal with the phenomenon. A narrow law and order approach, with a police force unequipped to deal with highly motivated, well trained and well organised militants, has obviously not had much of an impact, particularly when the latter have state-of-the-art weapons.

The Muslims of Pakistan, both Shias and Sunnis, have apparently forgotten that religious exclusivism was the sole basis to the concept of Muslims as a separate nation, which divided the Indian sub-continent. Thus, the question of separate identity of Muslims in post partition India remains unresolved. The simmering Shia-Sunni conflict in Pakistan shows that there are virtually no sanctuaries left – neither home, nor mosque or the hospital. And being innocent is not the issue. Just ‘being’ is enough – being Shia or Sunni, Barelvi or Deobandi. One explanation for this is that in a situation where different sectarian groups are vying to prove themselves the standard bearers of Islam, one option is to stand out as being closer to ‘true Islam’ by displaying extreme hostility and intolerance to those designated as being un-Islamic by virtue of belonging to religious minorities and minority sects.

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Problem between Orthodox Sunni Muslims and followers of two Islamic heretics settled after 25 years

If someone managed to establish the presence of Islamic fundamentalists behind the recent clashes in the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka, the agenda of many groups would have been served.

The extent to which certain parties – both local and international – went to, in order to give sinister twists to the recent clashes in Kaththankudi, shows that there are quite a few parties out there, eagerly waiting to give the ‘fundamentalist’ tag to the Muslims here, for a variety of reasons.

The latest bout of the long drawn-out, yet not so organized clashes between the orthodox Sunni Muslims and followers of two Islamic heretics in the predominantly Muslim Kaththankudi, provided an ideal opportunity for the alarmists to propagate their unfounded theory.

While the clashes had caused considerable damage to property and left followers from both groups injured, in the final analysis however, it brought home the point that violence in the Muslim majority town had nothing to do with fundamentalism. It was part of the tensions between the moderate Sunni Muslims and the followers of two heretics who give a more modern but seemingly challenging interpretation to Islam.

Violence, irrespective of the causes, should be condemned and the perpetrators should be brought to book. There are no two words about it.

However, the recent escalation of tension between the orthodox Muslims and the followers of these heretics appear to have finally paved the way for a resolution of the conflict which had run for nearly three decades.

A 25-year-old controversial decree, excommunicating the most popular of the two heretics, Rauf Moulavi of Division 6 of Kaththankudi was repealed on Sunday evening by the Orthodox Ulemas.

Heralding the repeal as a genuine goodwill measure and that the Orthodox Muslim religious leaders are finally for a reconciliation, five Moulavis representing the Orthodox Muslims visited Rauf Moulavi’s mosque and performed prayers there.

By that time there had already been public announcements on the agreement reached by the two conflicting groups.

Rauf Moulavi’s interpretations that God has different forms and is in everything is a deviation from the concept of the omnipresence of God.

He along with the now octogenarian Pailvan, the other heretic to be excommunicated, propagated this teaching despite the anathematization.

Today, Rauf Moulavi has about 6,000 followers in Kaththankudi alone, with an all-island following close to 15,000. He is also the President of the All Ceylon Spiritual Movement.

Pailvan, who hails from Marathamuani, however, was never so popular. His teaching was limited to Kalmunai and Kaththankudi and he is learnt to have had just about 400 followers.

What really triggered the recent acts of violence was an anti-Pailvan leaflet distributed in Kaththankudi by one of his defectors – one Haneefa – among the Orthodox Muslims, after Friday prayers on October 29.

The day after the distribution of the scurrilous leaflets Haneefa was forcibly taken to one of Pailvan’s mosques down Deen Road in Kaththankudi by a group of Pailvan’s followers and released later.

It was this incident that led to the attacks on Pailvan’s Mosque and houses belonging to his followers on Sunday.

On Monday night, in what appeared to be a counterattack, a grenade was lobbed at the Orthodox Irumbuthaika mosque during evening prayers, injuring over 20 people who were inside the mosque at the time.

Rumours began to be spread that the attack was carried out by Rauf Moulavi’s men who were enraged by the attack on Pailvan’s mosque.

However, Rauf Moulavi’s followers strongly denied any involvement and said that it was the work of a group which was out to pit the orthodox Muslims against the followers of the heretics.

Despite this, a group of Orthodox followers went ahead and attacked two theological schools – madrasas – run by Rauf Moulavi.

The escalation of violence saw M.L.A.M. Hisbullah and newly appointed Minister of Rehabilitation for Batticaloa, Ameer Ali, one time arch rivals, flying together to Kaththankudi on November 2 in a bid to defuse the tension in the area.

By this time, moves were also under way by various other independent groups to reach a settlement and representatives of both conflicting groups were at the Divisional Secretariat.

However the arrival of Hisbullah saw the representatives of Rauf Moulavi walking out of the Secretariat.

While one cannot group the religious factions on party lines, with supporters of main political parties found in the Orthodox as well as the heresy, it was a known fact that Rauf Moulavi threw his weight behind a candidate of the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress during the April general elections.

Despite the initial setback, Hisbullah however had his own contribution to the final settlement reached on Sunday between the Orthodox Muslims and the heretics which saw the rescinding of the decree passed some twenty five years ago.

While the 55,000-strong Muslim township appeared to have returned to normalcy following Sunday’s settlement, the kind of distorted versions made of the clashes have opened the eyes of the community of the presence of a number of elements which are hell-bent on portraying them as fundamentalists.

Senior military officers in the area, on the other hand, say that they are only wondering as to who was behind the misinterpretations since there are no extremist groups in the area according to their knowledge.

As Civilian Affairs Officer of the Batticaloa Brigade, Major Berty Perera points out the whole situation ‘has been blown out of proportion’ making it difficult for anybody to guess what exactly happened.

Among those who gave the fundamentalist twists to the clashes, is the pro-LTTE media.

The Muslim townships in the Batticaloa district have always been viewed as a major threat by the LTTE, which along with the Tamil civilians in the district appear to be suffering from a majority-complex. With Batticaloa being the only Tamil majority district in the entire Eastern Province, the struggle to establish dominance has resulted in several anti-Muslim moves in the district, the last major one being the Valachchenai riots in July 2002.

Kaththankudy itself is somewhat synonymous with LTTE atrocities against the Muslims following the brutal killing of 141 Muslim devotees inside the Kaththankudi mosque during a prayer session on August 3, 1990.

All these only go to explain why the LTTE and the pro-Tiger media make it a point to brand the Eastern Muslims as fundamentalists. Given the developments in the international arena, especially after 9/11, attributing any violence where Muslims are involved, to Islamic fundamentalism, they know, is a sure way to divert elsewhere the sympathy the Sri Lankan Muslims have earned so far from the international community.

In addition to this, one can also trace part of the anti-Muslim propaganda during the last few days, to South Asian regional politics.

One may remember the manner in which a section of the Indian media rang alarm bells a few months ago, over the appointment of Pakistani High Commissioner for Sri Lanka Bashir Wali, a former chief of the Pakistan Intelligence Bureau (IB). Mammoth efforts were made to stop him assuming duties in Colombo with the preposterous allegation that one of the aims of his appointment would be to expand the Pakistani intelligence network through Eastern Muslims, among whom the Indian media said there were several extremist groups.

The Indian obsession of threats from Pakistan, have especially had its toll on the reputation of the Eastern Muslims.

Paranoid by its insecurities, the regional power has become ultra sensitive to even the negligible development in any part of the region and this has seen a section of its media giving totally misleading interpretations even to minor incidents.

The prevailing peace in Kaththankudi following Sunday’s agreement does not at all mean that things will remain the same even in the months and years to come. There are still possibilities of eruption of violence in the area since it takes time to heal the wounds and for attitudes to change.

While the agreement between the two factions has been a landmark one, however what is perhaps more important is the lesson learnt during the clashes – the fact that there is a whole host of groups which are all out to tarnish the reputation of the Muslims in the East.

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A policeman was cut with a sword and his gun snatched by a suspect he and a posse of policemen had gone to arrest, ASP Weligama Police, Chandana Galappaththi said.

The incident had taken place at Puhulwella in the Kirinda area.

The suspect was a member of a gang wanted by the Weligama police in connection with a number of robberies and other crimes. On a tip off that the suspects were hiding in a house in Puhulwella in the Hakmana police area, a police posse surrounded the house on Monday. One of the occupants of the house had come out through the back door and cut one of the policemen in the group and fled, taking the injured policeman’s gun, Galappaththi said.

However, police were able to arrest the suspect and two others of the gang with the robbed police gun.

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The Navy, in the early hours of yesterday, took into custody two Indian fishing trawlers which were poaching off Mannar. “We also arrested 12 fishermen. They were handed over to the Talaimannar police for further action” security sources said.

The suspects were to be produced in the Mannar Magistrate’s Court later Tuesday.

The sources said that two Indian trawlers were to be handed over to the Karainagar Navy base.

The arrests came hot on the heels of an assurance by the navy, at a conference held at the Bishop’s House in Mannar on Monday. The top brass assured the protesting Mannar fishermen that they would do everything possible to discourage the Indian fishermen from poaching in the territorial waters of Sri.

Following this, the fishermen suspended their protest campaign. (NP)

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