
Archive for August, 2007

This site is dedicated to Military personal fighting to preserve the Freed of our Motherland.

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Police Commandos the elite corps of the Police Special Task Force (STF) on Tuesday (August 28) rescued seven child combatants along with another 20-year old youth who had been forced by the LTTE to engage in a terrorist attack against the security forces in the Kangikaidichchi Aru area.

According to STF sources, the commandos had rescued the group of young LTTE cadres comprising four girls and four boys when they had successfully intercepted a terrorist movement at a location close to the 212 milepost on the Akkaraipattu- Pothuvil main road.

The group of terrorists had attacked the STF commandos who had been conducting a clearing operation in the area around 5 am on Tuesday. The STF personnel had overpowered the terrorist attack successfully forcing them to flee in all directions.

During the subsequent search, STF personnel found eight fear-stricken children who had been hiding in the jungle along with weapons and other military gear belonging to the LTTE.

On inquires, the children have revealed they had come to attack the STF with a group consisting of about 50 other LTTE terrorists. The children have further said the terrorists group had attacked the STF with rocket-propelled grenades and T-56 weapons during the firefight on Tuesday early morning.

STF officials told defence.lk that there are seven LTTE child soldiers, boys and girls between the ages 14 and 16 years and one cadre aged 20 years. It has been further revealed that all the rescued LTTE cadres had been forcibly recruited to the terrorist outfit at a very young age. They told the STF that they had been abducted from their parents by the LTTE at different times, forcibly given arms training and put into combat. According to the details obtained the rescued were from Vinayagapuram, Thirukkovil , Kanchankuda and Akkaraipaththuwa areas. Their names are as follows:

1 Jeewarasa Sudan 15 Male
2 Chamuth Nadan 20 Male
3 Perumal Sinnathambi 15 Male
4 Dharmaratnam Ramesh 16 Male
5 Selvarasa Suwarajini 15 Female
6 Thuraisingham Sumana 14 Female
7 Vigneswaran Vinoyani 16 Female
8 Thavarasa Rashika 14 Female

During the search STF personnel also seized one claymore mine, one detonator, one detonator code, one wire roll, three anti-personnel mines, and one T-56 magazine with rounds along with some clothing and food items belonged to the LTTE.

In addition, the STF officials said that they had noticed bloodstains on the ground, raising suspicions that several LTTE cadres had been seriously injured or killed in the confrontation with the STF.

Meanwhile, Pro-LTTE media yesterday (August 29) reported that the Special Task Force had ambushed a group of LTTE cadres comprising 14 child soldiers in the same area on Tuesday (August 28) morning. They also claimed that the 14 child combatants were being taken to be handed over to the parents via UNICEF.

However, the rescued child soldiers, as well as the adult cadre have revealed that they were unaware about where they had been led to by the senior LTTE cadres, though they were eagerly waiting to desert the outfit.

The STF officials told defence.lk that it is highly unlikely that LTTE was taking the child soldiers to be handed over to UNICEF as the terrorists had launched several attacks at STF personnel in the same area during last few days.

The LTTE is a terrorist outfit that has been placed on the UN’s list of shame for using child combatants to fight its war against Sri Lanka. Led by its psychopathic leader, V.Prabhakaran, the outfit has been fighting since 1983 for a mono-ethnic separate state for Tamils.

It is reliably estimated that at present the LTTE holds over 2000 child soldiers in its shameful “baby brigade” waiting to be killed as suicide bombers or as one-way fighters as desired by their leader. The LTTE, as one of their abominable tactics in war, uses untrained child combatants and teenage girls to lead the frontal assaults before its male cadres enter the battlefield. It is said the LTTE leader had introduced this tactic to make the maximum impact in the initial attack waves. Having been brain-washed and given no option to turn back, thousands of young combatants had died as one-way fighters in previous battles.

The STF that arranged for the children to be reunited with their parents has sent us some emotional moments that its camera captured when the parents met their loved children whom they lost a longtime ago. On seeing their teenage daughters with shortly cut hairs, the mothers burst into tears and cursed the LTTE leader for destroying their young lives . It is said the LTTE shaves the hair of the girl recruits and do not permit them to keep long hair again, in order to break their female image. Also, it is well known that, Prabhakaran’s image as ruthless terror-chief is mostly built by these desperate girls who had no option but to die a violent death as suicide bombers.

Defence.lk requests LTTE activists living abroad in comfort and fighting for the “cause” via Internet from safe distances, to watch what disaster they had brought to the innocent Tamil people in Sri Lanka; and for LTTE fund raisers and sympathizers to watch the wicked purpose for which their funds have been used. Finally, we request human rights institutions to see what their inaction over LTTE crimes has resulted in.


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The Leader of the Ealem Peoples’ Democratic party (EPDP) the Minister of Social Services Douglas Devananda has stated that many Tamil students in Vanni kept away from the GCE examinations due to the fear of the LTTE forcible conscription.

Minister Devananda said that as a result of LTTE’s decision to conscript 60,000 children by recruiting one child from each household, only 7 to 8 per cent of the registered students in the Vanni were able to sit the Advanced Level exam this year.

According to EPDP Leader reliable reports have revealed that the LTTE Leader Velupillai Prebhakeran is considering to increase the demand to two children from each household during his Matyrs Day speech scheduled for November 26, 2007.

Minister Devananda pointed out that the safety of 2000 families who had been displaced from Ariyalai in the Jaffna Town due to the area being declared a High security Zone is a major concern and the government is taking steps to relocate them in alternate lands. The displaced living in temporarily shelters in the coastal areas of Navalady, Maniam Thottam etc. could be prone to pressure and attacks by the LTTE in the future.

He added that the LTTE was continually threatening to shell the EPDP office. “It was only last week that some of the LTTE Artillery shells fell into or around the Palaly area and that was why I spoke to these displaced and offered to find alternate land for them to resettle,” he said.

Minister Devananda added that he met with 200 or more residents of Jaffna daily, listened to their grievances and took whatever possible steps to grant then redress.


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A report of the Foreign Relations Committee of US Senate has authoritatively said that the Government of Eritrea is providing ‘direct military aid’ to tiger terrorists.

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee came to this conclusion after sending six of its staff attached to the Republican Party committee members last year to twenty countries in Asia, Africa and South America.

This is the first occasion that an influential and powerful senate committee such as foreign relations has arrived at a conclusion when discussing the Tamil Tiger activities in Sri Lanka and the threat that it posses to Sri Lanka’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.

The report also states it is a violation of the UN code for a member nation of the United Nations to provide military aid against another member of the same World Body which has a legitimate democratically elected government to facilitate a terrorist group fighting for a separate state.

It is stated that Government of Sri Lanka could officially get an explanation from the committee to ascertain more details of the findings of the investigation which was authorized and executed by a congressional committee that covers relations between the United States and foreign nations, in this case with Sri Lanka. Foreign Relations Committee could be reached through the Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs of the Department of State.


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The bomb blast that killed forty people in Hyderabad in India has been carried out with support of the tiger terrorist organization says Indian Police.

According to Indian Police Naxalite group in Andra Pradesh which had carried out the bomb attack is linked to tiger terrorist organization and the bomb technology has been given to Naxalite by them.

Indian Police say that they had received information that several explosive experts of tiger organization had gone to Andra Pradesh to train Naxalite cadres in bomb technology. The high powered bomb that was exploded in Hyderabad is the creation of the tiger organization states Indian Police.

Meanwhile government of Sri Lanka has stated that it would give its fullest corporation in the investigations into the Hyderabad explosion.


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An STF officer strokes the head of a small boy who lost both parents to the tsunami waves that swept through Kalmunai. The child resides at the “Sinhala Maha Vidyalaya” camp but has not yet been recognized by anyone or claimed by relatives. Traumatized by his horrible experience, he does not remember his parents or even his own name and does not speak except to say “Na” when questioned about the fate of his parents.

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Sri Lankan troops shot dead at least 12 Tamil Tiger rebels in three separate clashes in the island’s north, the defence ministry here said Thursday.

Eight guerrillas of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) were shot dead at Muhamalai along a de facto border separating rebel-held territory from the rest of the island late Wednesday, the ministry said.

“Troops fired small arms and rocket-propelled grenades at the group of LTTE cadres attempting to infiltrate,” the ministry said in a statement.

It said four Tiger rebels were killed in two separate confrontations in the Vavuniya district on Wednesday.

There was no immediate reaction from the LTTE, which has been locked in combat with the government since 1972 for a separate state for minority Tamils. The 35-year-old ethnic conflict has claimed over 60,000 lives.


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