
Archive for September 24th, 2007

Avoiding LRRP

It has now come to light that the LTTE’s senior leadership has strictly limited their movements for fear of LRRP attacks. At first, LTTE leaders would travel only on ‘main roads’ in LTTE areas to avoid attack. Then they used decoy vehicles and convoys to distract LRRP. They also tried using antique vehicles in place of the customary Pajero Jeep and Double Cab. It later transpired that LTTE leaders were also using ambulances attached to the ‘Tamil Ealam Health Service’.

DefenceWire can confirm that LRRP operations are on track. However the LTTE has taken precautions that senior Leaders do not gather in strength, even for the LTTE’s most important of functions. The Thileepan Memorial Ceremony held on the 15th of September was organized and conducted in utmost secrecy. Contrary to custom, no group photos of LTTE leaders attending the memorial were released. Only the lonely figure of Pripaharan garlanding a portrait of Thileepan was released to the Tamil Media. The reason for this is two-fold. One, as we have said, is LRRP ambushes of prominent leaders attending such hyped-up events. It is usually the case that information relating to the routes these leaders take to the location are ‘leaked’ to sources close to LRRP. The other is the possibility of air-raids.

The Black Tiger Day, The Heroes Day and funerals of Prominent LTTE Leaders were all held in utmost secrecy where only a handful of LTTE Leaders ever participated. In one such funeral of an LTTE ‘Colonel’, The organization readied three funeral sites at three separate ‘Heroes Cemeteries’. It was only at the last moment that the real location of the funeral was publicized.


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